Singular Values and Singular Vectors

Suppose is an matrix, is an symmetric matrix, and is an symmetric matrix. Define Consider the problem of finding the maximum, the minimum, and other stationary values of .

In order to make the problem well-defined and interesting we suppose that the symmetric partitioned matrix is positive semi-definite. This has some desirable consequences.

Proposition: Suppose the symmetric partitioned matrix is positive semi-definite. Then

  • both and are positive semi-definite,
  • for all with we have ,
  • for all with we have .

Proof: The first assertion is trivial. To prove the last two, consider the convex quadratic form as a function of for fixed . It is bounded below by zero, and thus attains its minimum. At this minimum, which is attained at some , the derivative vanishes and we have and thus If then . But because the quadratic form is positive semi-definite. Thus if we must have , which is true if and only if . QED

Now suppose and are the eigen-decompositions of and . The matrix and the matrix have positive diagonal elements, and and are the ranks of and .

Define new variables Then which does not depend on and at all. Thus we can just consider as a function of and , study its stationary values, and then translate back to and using and , choosing and completely arbitrary.

Define . The stationary equations we have to solve are where is a Lagrange multiplier, and we identify and by . It follows that and also .