I.3.7.1: Canonical Correlation

Canonical Correlation is a matrix problem in which the notion of blocks of variables is especially natural. The problem can be formulated in various ways, but we prefer a least squares formulation. We want to minimize over and In order to avoid boring complications which merely lead to more elaborate notations we again suppose that and .

Note that this problem is basically a multivariate version of the block least squares problem with in the previous example. There are some crucial differences, however. The fact that means that trivially minimizes . Thus we need to impose some normalization condition such as and/or to exclude this trivial solution. Nevertheless, in our analysis we shall initially proceed without actually using normalization.

Start with . To find the optimal for given we compute and then we update with where , as before. Thus and . Clearly if , which implies convergence to the correct, but trivial, solution .

Suppose is the eigen-decomposition and define , so that As in the previous example where consists of the columns corresponding with the dominant eigenvalue. Again

Now consider