I.3.8.2: Convergence to Incorrect Solutions

Convergence needs not be towards a minimum, even if the function is convex. This example is an elaboration of the one in Abatzoglou and O'Donnell [1982].

Let To compute we do the usual Chebyshev calculations. If and we must have , for some and . Moreover . Thus The solution is , , , and . Thus the best linear Chebyshev approximation to on the unit interval is which has function value ,

Now use coordinate decent. Start with Then and Thus , and we have convergence after a single cycle to a point for which .

This example can be analyzed in more in detail. First we compute the best constant (zero degree polynomial) approximation to . The function is a convex quadratic with roots at zero and , with a mimimum equal to at .

We start with the simple rule that the best constant approximation is the average of the maximum and the minimum on the interval. We will redo the calculations later on, using a different and more general approach.

Case A: If then is non-negative and increasing in the unit interval, and thus .

Case B: If then attains its minimum at in the unit interval, and its maximum at one, thus .

Case C: If then still attains its minimum at in the unit interval, but now the maximum is at zero, and thus .

Case D: If then is non-positive and decreasing in the unit interval, and thus again .

We can derive the same results, and more, by using a more general approach. First Since is convex, we see Now has a minimum at equal to . This is the minimum over the closed interval if , otherwise the minimum occurs at one of the boundaries. Thus and It follows that It is more complicated to compute , because the corresponding Chebyshev approximation problem does not satisfy the Haar condition, and the solution may not be unique.

We make the necessary calculations, starting from the left. Define . For we have . Define and . Then Note that for all . If then has a minimum equal to for all in . Now if and only if . Thus for we have

Switch to . For we have . We have if and only if . The discriminant of this quadratic is , which means that if we have everywhere. If define and as the two roots of the quadratic. Now Clearly . If then also and thus on . If then has a minimum at . Thus if we have

Next , which is equal to for . If then everywhere. If define and as . Then If then we have a minimum of at . Thus if we find

And finally we get back to again at the right hand side of the real line. We have a minimum if , i.e. . In that case

So, in summary, We now have enough information to write a simple coordinate descent algorithm. Of course such an algorithm would have to include a rule to select from the set of minimizers if the minimers are not unique. In our R implementation in ccd.R we allow for different rules. If the minimizers are an interval, we always choose the smallest point, or always to largest point, or always the midpoint, or a uniform draw from the interval. We shall see in our example that these different options have a large influence on the approximation the algorithm converges too, in fact even on what the algorithm considers to be desirable points.

[Insert ccd.R Here](../code/ccd.R)

We give the function that transforms into with the four different selection rules in Figure 1.

[Insert upMe.R Here](../code/upMe.R)

The function is in red, the line in blue. Thus over most of the region of interest the algorithm does not change the slope, which means it converges in a single iteration to an incorrect solution. It needs more iterations only for the midpoint and random selection rules if started outside

plot of chunk uprule

Figure 1: The UP, LOW, MID and RANDOM rules