I.3.7.4: Multinormal Maximum Likelihood

The negative log-likelihood for a multinormal random sample is The vector of means depends on the parameters and the matrix of covariances depends on . We assume the two sets of parameters are separated, in the sense that they do not overlap.

Oberhofer and Kmenta [1974] study this case in detail and give a proof of convergence, which is actually the expected special case of Zangwill's theorem.

Suppose we have a normal GLM of the form where the are known symmetric matrices. We have to estimate both and perhaps under the constraint that is positive semi-definite.

This can be done, in many case, by block relaxation. Finding the optimal for given is just weighted linear regression. Finding the optimal for given is more complicated, but the problem has been studied in detail by Anderson and others.

For further reference, we give the derivatives of the log-likelihood function for this problem. Taking expected values in Equation \ref{E:And2} gives