I.3.7.3: Optimal Scaling with LINEALS

Suppose we have categorical variables, where variable has categories. Also suppose are the cross tables and are the diagonal matrices with univariate marginals. Both the and the are normalized so they add up to one.

A quantification of variable is a element vector , normalized by and . If we replace the categories of a variable by the corresponding elements of the quantification vector then the correlation between quantified variables and is Of course for all and , and for all .

The correlation ratio between variables and is In general , but still .

Statistical theory, and the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, tell us that with equality if and only if i.e. if and only if the regressions between the quantified variables are both linear.

De Leeuw [1988] has suggested to find standardized quantifications in such a way that the loss function is minimized. Thus we try to find quantifications of the variables that linearize all bivariate regressions. A block relaxation method to do just this is implemented in the lineals function of the R package aspect [Mair and De Leeuw, 2010]. In lineals there is the additional option of requiring that the elements of the are increasing or decreasing.

If we change quantification while keeping all with at their current values, then we have to minimize over all with and . Thus each step in the cycle amounts to finding the eigenvector corresponding with the smallest eigenvalue of the matrix in .