II.2.2.1: Absolute Values

Suppose the problem we have to solve is to minimize over Here is supposed to be differentiable. In statistics it typically is a residual, for instance Suppose, for the time being, that . Then we have the majorization and we must minimize which is a weighted least squares problem.

The simplest case of this is the one-dimensional example is , which means we want to compute the weighted median. The algorithm is simply where

We have assumed, so far, in this example that . If at some point in the iterative process then the majorization function does not exist, and we cannot compute the upgrade. One easy way out of this problem is to minimize for small values of . Clearly if then It follows that

The function is differentiable. We find and With obvious modifications the same formulas apply if is a vector of unknowns, for instance if .

By the implicit function theorem the function defined by is differentiable, with derivative

For the weighted median the iterates are still the same weighted averages, but now with weights Differentiating the algorithmic map gives the convergence ratio Clearly which implies If for all , then and convergence is asymptotically sublinear.

[Insert mediJan.R Here](../code/mediJan.R)