II.1.4.3: Differentiable Functions

We first show that differentiable majorizations of differentiable functions must have certain properties at the support point.

Theorem: Suppose and are differentiable at . If majorizes at , then

  • ,
  • ,

If and are twice differentiable at , then in addition

  • ,

and if majorizes strictly

  • .

Proof: If majorizes at then has a minimum at . Now use the familiar necessary conditions for the minimum of a differentiable function, which say the derivative at the minimum is zero and the second derivative is non-negative. QED

The conditions in the theorem are only necessary because they are local, they only say something about the value of and its derivatives at . But majorization is a global relation to make global statements we need conditions like convexity. We already know that if is convex with a minimum at equal to zero, then majorizes at . For differentiable and this means that if is convex then majorizes at if and only if and . And for twice-differentiable and with for all again majorizes at if and only if and .

In the case of majorization at a single we have for differentiable functions. If majorizes on then for all and all . Thus for each . In addition

In the case of majorization at a single we had for differentiable functions. In general the function defined by is not differentiable. If the partials are continuous then the derivative at in the direction satisfies In the case of strict majorization this gives

Theorem \ref{T:nes} can be generalized in many directions if differentiability fails. If has a left and right derivatives in , for instance, and is differentiable, then

If is convex, then , and must exist in order for a differentiable to majorize at . In this case .

For nonconvex more general differential inclusions are possible using the four Dini derivatives of at [see, for example, McShane, 1944, Chapter V].

Locally Lipschitz functions, Proximinal and Frechet and Clarke subgradients, sandwich and squeeze theorems

One-sided Chebyshev. Find such that , and is minimized. For instance can be the convex functions, or the polynomials of a certain degree, or piecewise linear functions or splines.