II.1.2.2: Majorization on a Set

We can have different majorizations of on at different points . Now consider the situation in which we have a different majorization for each point .

Suppose is a real-valued function on and is a real-valued function on . We say that is a majorization scheme for on if

  • for all ,
  • for all .

Majorization is strict if the first condition can be replaced by

  • for all with .

Or, equivalently, if the second condition can be replaced by

  • if and only if .

We call a majorization scheme for on , because automatically gives a majorization for for every . Thus a majorization of on at is a real-valued function on , a majorization scheme for on is a real-valued function on .

Because for all we see that for all . Thus majorizes if and only if and the minimum is attained for Strict majorization means the minimum is unique. It follows that the majorization relation between functions is a special case of the augmentation relation.

As an example of a majorization scheme for we use Also define the function by .

Functions is plotted in Figure 1 in blue, function is in red.

alt text

Figure 1: Majorization Scheme for log(1+exp(x)) </center>

Note that the intersection of the graph of both and with the diagonal vertical plane is the set of such that and . This is the white line in the plot.

Graphs of the intersection of the graphs of and with the vertical planes parallel to the -axes at are in Figure 2. The red lines are the intersections with , i.e. the function , the blue lines are the quadratics majorizing at .

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Figure 2: Intersections of with planes

Graphs of intersection of the graphs of and with the vertical planes parallel to the -axes at are in Figure 3. They illustrate that . The horizontal red lines are the intersections of the planes with the graph of at and .

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Figure 3: Intersections of with planes.

The code to produce all three figures is in logitcouple.R.

[Insert logitcouple.R Here](../code/logitcouple.R)