Sharp Quadratic Majorization

A quadratic function majorizes in if and only if , , and where We find the best quadratic majorization of in by choosing .

To study the relation between and its quadratic majorizers more in depth, we define and by and . We also define slices of these functions, using bullets. Thus, for example, is a function of a single variable, with and fixed at unique values.

Now if and only if for all which is true if and only if where Note that , and thus generally .

Because is linear in , we see that is convex. In other words, is an interval, which may be empty. Now if and only if . If then no quadratic majorization exists.

Since implies for all , we see that is either empty, or an interval of the form or , with If we set . The majorization function is called the sharpest quadratic majorization of at [De Leeuw and Lange, 2009].

Now and We see that is concave if . Moreover is increasing if , i.e. if for all .

Thus if has a maximum at we must have as well as At the maximum