Sub-level Majorization

Stability of the majorization algorithm is guaranteed by the sandwich inequality, which says that The first inequality in the chain comes from the majorization condition for all . There is, however, a weaker condition which still implies the same inequality.

Suppose that we merely require that the majorization function satisfies Then we still have , and as a consequence also . The sandwich inequality still applies.

The weaker localized majorization condition, which we will call sublevel majorization (or simply S-majorization) from now on, says that majorizes on the sublevel set while for we can have . In other words, must have a global minimum equal to zero on at .

S-majorization is easy to visualize for a univariate quadratic majorizer which has if is in the interval with end-points and . For quadratic S-majorization of a cubic , for example, we must have at both end-points of the interval , which means we must have both and If the quadratic has no real roots, or two equal real roots, then it is always non-negative, and we have sub-level majorization of the cubic at if . Now suppose the quadratic has two different real roots, say . We have . Thus if and are non-negative, then , and we have sub-level majorization for . If and then and thus . If both and then , and thus and sub-level majorization is linear.

Near a local minimum, where and is close to zero, the two roots of the quadratic are approximately and .

note: 030615 Add the example from the paper and the reference

Quadratic sub-level majorization in the multivariate case. We have for some which we assume to be positive definite for now. Then if and only if with . For given and this means must be in an ellipse centered at , but note that if changes then shape, radius, and center of the ellipse change.

If with fixed, then we have the more manageable inequality